
Tournament Note

We will still be using innings in order to track pitching for our event. The number of outs the pitcher records will be listed in the "Pitch Count" column.

13 and Under AAA (Hebert)

Black Tie Bash

Sep 15 - 17, 2017
SportsEngine Tourney

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Delta Dawgs 13U (2 - 1)
13 and Under AAA (Hebert)


Saturday, September 16, 2017
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 8:00 AM Billy Hebert - Stadium Delta Dawgs 13U
9 4 Morada Lightning 13U
P2 10:15 AM Billy Hebert - Stadium Hard 90 Power
4 9 Delta Dawgs 13U
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B7 10:15 AM Billy Hebert - Stadium [2] Delta Dawgs 13U
2 8 [3] California Daredevils


Athlete Jersey Number
nick leffel
Robbie Munson
seth gelnette
Luke Hyland
ryan harper
Ahlyas Daradar
anthony Potestio
Sammy Shier
Trent Keys
Nick Goff
Landon Galloweay