
Tournament Note

Championship Sunday is upon us!
Hello Everyone,
Few housekeeping things to keep ECFL running smoothly. Refs were parking far away and not making it on time to games, so to help with that we have reserved a area specifically for them. Please park in the designated areas that is not reserved. Please check the "10/20 Parking Updates" map in Documents.

1. Please park in marked parking spots only. Lassiter's main school parking lot is available and has plenty of parking spaces. This lot is off of Shallowford Road. Please use this lot if there are no spaces in the stadium parking lot.
Attached is a map
Maroon Star-Main lot next to stadium
White Stars-Overflow Parking
Yellow and Black Stars – Gates to enter the facility. Also have a gate close to Steinhauer for Lower Fields (hand marked in yellow).
Walking path in blue
Filled Pink-No Parking (Reserved for School Personnel and Game Referees ONLY)
Filled Green-Construction Zone
Please park in a parking space…not on the street or in adjacent subdivisions.
Do not block entry, exit or driving lanes. We need to ensure emergency personnel can access the field if necessary.

Championship Sunday is upon us!

The brackets are listed in Tourney Machine. Please pay attention to the fields. There will be some JV and Varsity A games played on fields those teams haven’t played on yet.

ECFL would like to thank our sponsor:

Fury Performance Academy

Stop by their tent near the concession area to learn more about their private, semi-private, and team training sessions to increase Speed, Strength, Agility, Endurance, Explosive Power, as well as lacrosse and other sport specific training!

We would also like to thank our popsicle vendor:

King of Pops – East Cobb

Stop by their cart in the afternoon and get you a cool treat!
Thank you guys for keeping ECFL run smoothly!
Lassiter Lacrosse Booster Club

ECFL 2024

Oct 6 - 27, 2024
Marietta, GA
SportsEngine Tourney

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