
Tournament Note

Thank you for entering the 8th Annual PGF Top 50 Showcase! We have the most teams ever to participate this year with 109 Teams.
We are also hoping to have the most competitive event in our history. So Thank you. Please remember to invite any schools who are recruiting your athletes or who have recruited your athletes. The more colleges and Universities in attendance the better for us all.

All teams may email their insurance for their team to or

Please make sure all rosters have been completed on Tournament Connect.

All tournament updates will be sent out through Tourney Machine. The schedule is also posted on Tourney Machine. Please make sure you are registered to get text and email updates.

If you have an incorrect score posted, please text your game time, field number, the 2 teams playing and the correct score to 317-287-4003.

Please make sure all foul balls are returned promptly to the field.

Rules are attached please note we are playing PGF rules/National Federation High School Softball Rules. Here is the link to the PGF rules:

You must use a sub who has not entered the lineup and the notification of no use of illegal bats( Easton ghost with GOLD print) for this tournament and this is considered everyone's verbal warning regarding illegal bats.

No seeds or shelled edible items allowed in the parks i.e. (sunflower seeds, peanuts, pistachios.)


Time limit 90 minutes pool games and 90 minutes bracket and championship games

Finish the Inning

Pool games can end in a tie. International tie breaker for bracket play is the last batted out starts at 2nd.

*LINEUPS - Only allows 1 option: TRADITONAL lineup (9 batters). If you use DP/FLEX, you may list 10 athletes in the line-up.

*COURTESY RUNNER RULE for PGF - Must use a substitute who has not been in the game.

Start Back Pitching Rule – Once the pitcher initially sets the toe of her stride foot, she may not step, drag, or slide back any farther.

Run rules: 10-after 4, 8- after 5, 6- after 6 and 1- after 7

NO 6 after 6 run rule for 12u ONLY

Tie breakers for bracket are

1. Head to Head

2. Runs Against

3. Run Differential

4. Final is coin toss

Pool Play and Bracket Play Home team is decided by coin toss. Home Team Score Book is considered the Official Score Book.


1 After 7 8th Annual PGF Top 50 Showcase

Jun 16 - 18, 2023
Elkhart, IN • Mishawaka, IN • South Bend, IN
SportsEngine Tourney

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