

2023 Alabama Shootout

Jun 17 - 18, 2023
Hoover, AL
SportsEngine Tourney

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ITP Golden Devil Vikings (2 - 2 - 1)


Saturday, June 17, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P7 3:20 PM Hoover Met Complex - Field 5 ITP Golden Devil Vikings
4 5 Atlanta Empire 26/27 Red
P2 5:10 PM Hoover Met Complex - Field 2 2026 3D Georgia White
3 8 ITP Golden Devil Vikings
P3 7:00 PM Hoover Met Complex - Field 2 BLU
4 4 ITP Golden Devil Vikings
Sunday, June 18, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B1 12:35 PM Hoover Met Complex - Field 2 [1] Birmingham Bandits 26
9 2 [4] ITP Golden Devil Vikings
B5 2:25 PM Hoover Met Complex - Field 2 ITP Golden Devil Vikings
6 2 Thunder 2026