
2006 Boys Gold

Hog Wild Regional Championship (Conway, AR)

Aug 3 - 4, 2019
Conway, AR
SportsEngine Tourney

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Gallos (0 - 4)
2006 Boys Gold


Saturday, August 03, 2019
Game Time Location Home Score Away
P2 3:30 PM Centennial Soccer Park - Field 15 Gallos
2 4 NEA Select
P3 4:30 PM Centennial Soccer Park - Field 14 Deportivo springdale 06 boys
8 3 Gallos
P6 5:30 PM Centennial Soccer Park - Field 15 Sporting Atletico 06B
8 1 Gallos
B1 7:00 PM Centennial Soccer Park - Field 14 [3] Deportivo springdale 06 boys
10 1 [4] Gallos


Santiago Ramirez
Jaime Perez
Aldo Leon
Cristian Ibarra
Edwin Ibarra
Jeremy Barrientos