
Tournament Note

Registration for the 2016 AAU Girls State Championships includes entry fees for two weekends of play:

State Championship Prelims: May 6-8

State Championships: May 20-22

Junior / 2017

2016 AAU Girls Basketball State Championships

May 6 - 8, 2016
Bloomington, MN
SportsEngine Tourney

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Northern Lights 11 (2 - 1)
Junior / 2017


Saturday, May 07, 2016
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P16 1:50 PM Kennedy - Court 8 MN Stars-11th Hersch
64 22 Northern Lights 11
Sunday, May 08, 2016
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P26 8:00 AM Kennedy - Court 7 Northern Lights 11
63 45 Aftershock-11th
P32 10:20 AM Kennedy - Court 5 Crossfire - Willey
33 52 Northern Lights 11


Brianna Mcgrath
Karlie Kulas
Rachel Dewitte
Lydia Swanson
Ava Gonsorowski
Ashley WIlliams
Chelsea Swatek
Miia Marple
Bailey Gronner
Jordyn Thomas