
Sophomore / 2017

Minnesota AAU Girls Basketball State Championships

May 8 - 10, 2015
Bloomington, MN
SportsEngine Tourney

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MN Suns Froehlich (1 - 2)
Sophomore / 2017


Saturday, May 09, 2015
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P4 9:10 AM Jefferson - J 1 MN Suns Froehlich
36 40 North Tartan 10th Grade
P11 11:30 AM Jefferson - J 1 West Central Wildcats
58 42 MN Suns Froehlich
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B47 10:20 AM Jefferson - J 3 [3] MN Suns Froehlich
44 32 [3] Warriors Blue 14/15U


Lisa Rixe-Carlson
Madison Strube
Kari Preus
Anya Edwards
Nicole Zielsdorf
Abbey Koenig-Meehan
Alana Swift
Erin Hill
Althena Bjorback
Ellyn Braunreiter