
Boys- 9th Grade

War For Westchester

May 17 - 18, 2014
SportsEngine Tourney

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Lightning - LaCorte (4 - 0)
Boys- 9th Grade


Saturday, May 17, 2014
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P21 11:15 AM Ardsley High School - Ardsley High School Court 11 Capital District Raptors
48 56 Lightning - LaCorte
P5 2:30 PM Chelsea Piers CT - Chelsea Piers Court 4 Greenwich Stars
38 62 Lightning - LaCorte
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P13 9:05 AM Premier Athletic Club Lightning - LaCorte
56 52 LI Select
B2 3:35 PM Suny Purchase - Suny Purchase Court 3 [2] Hoops Express
39 69 Lightning - LaCorte
B3 5:45 PM Suny Purchase - Suny Purchase Court 1 [1] PWC Crossover Orange
Lightning - LaCorte