

Warriors Battle in the Park VI

Jun 19 - 23, 2024
Orland Park, IL
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Team W L T
Orland Park Warriors 10U Black 2 0 0 14 24 10
Cangelosi Sparks- Callaghan 2 0 0 3 15 12
New Lenox rebels-fishback 2 0 0 16 33 13
MP Express 1 1 0 6 18 12
Schaumburg Flyers 10u 1 1 0 0 30 16
Tinley Park Bulldogs Red 10U Bellik 1 1 0 -5 19 24
Western Springs Crush Navy 1 1 0 -1 22 25
Evergreen Park Ghosts 1 1 0 0 21 29
Oak Lawn Lightning 0 1 1 -1 10 11
Lemont Lightning Gold 0 1 1 -8 8 16
Cangelosi Sparks - Paszko 0 2 0 -15 9 24
LePretre 10U Warriors Red 0 2 0 -9 14 31


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Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 5:45 PM Centennial Park - Field 6 LePretre 10U Warriors Red
12 13 Tinley Park Bulldogs Red 10U Bellik
P2 5:45 PM Centennial Park - Field 7 Cangelosi Sparks- Callaghan
8 6 MP Express
P3 7:45 PM Centennial Park - Field 6 Western Springs Crush Navy
10 20 New Lenox rebels-fishback
P4 7:45 PM Centennial Park - Field 7 Schaumburg Flyers 10u
27 3 Evergreen Park Ghosts
Thursday, June 20, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P5 5:45 PM Centennial Park - Field 6 LePretre 10U Warriors Red
2 18 Evergreen Park Ghosts
P6 5:45 PM Centennial Park - Field 7 Cangelosi Sparks - Paszko
5 12 Western Springs Crush Navy
P7 7:45 PM Centennial Park - Field 6 Orland Park Warriors 10U Black
12 6 Tinley Park Bulldogs Red 10U Bellik
P8 7:45 PM Centennial Park - Field 7 Oak Lawn Lightning
4 4 Lemont Lightning Gold
Friday, June 21, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P9 5:45 PM Centennial Park - Field 6 Orland Park Warriors 10U Black
12 4 Cangelosi Sparks - Paszko
P10 5:45 PM Centennial Park - Field 7 Cangelosi Sparks- Callaghan
7 6 Oak Lawn Lightning
P11 7:45 PM Centennial Park - Field 6 MP Express
12 4 Lemont Lightning Gold
P12 7:45 PM Centennial Park - Field 7 New Lenox rebels-fishback
13 3 Schaumburg Flyers 10u
Saturday, June 22, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B1 10:00 AM Centennial Park - Field 6 [8] Evergreen Park Ghosts
10 4 [9] Oak Lawn Lightning
B2 10:00 AM Centennial Park - Field 7 [5] Schaumburg Flyers 10u
15 7 [12] LePretre 10U Warriors Red
B3 12:00 PM Centennial Park - Field 6 [6] Tinley Park Bulldogs Red 10U Bellik
10 20 [11] Cangelosi Sparks - Paszko
B4 12:00 PM Centennial Park - Field 7 [7] Western Springs Crush Navy
8 0 [10] Lemont Lightning Gold
B5 2:00 PM Centennial Park - Field 6 [1] Orland Park Warriors 10U Black
19 8 Evergreen Park Ghosts
B6 2:00 PM Centennial Park - Field 7 [4] MP Express
3 7 Schaumburg Flyers 10u
B7 4:00 PM Centennial Park - Field 6 [3] New Lenox rebels-fishback
22 7 Cangelosi Sparks - Paszko
B8 4:00 PM Centennial Park - Field 7 [2] Cangelosi Sparks- Callaghan
7 10 Western Springs Crush Navy
Sunday, June 23, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B9 10:00 AM Centennial Park - Field 7 Orland Park Warriors 10U Black
6 2 Schaumburg Flyers 10u
B10 12:00 PM Centennial Park - Field 7 New Lenox rebels-fishback
12 4 Western Springs Crush Navy
B11 2:00 PM Centennial Park - Field 6 Orland Park Warriors 10U Black
12 15 New Lenox rebels-fishback


New Lenox rebels-fishback
[3] New Lenox rebels-fishback - 22
B7 - Sat 6/22 4:00PM Centennial Park - Field 6
Cangelosi Sparks - Paszko - 7
Orland Park Warriors 10U Black - 12
B11 - Sun 6/23 2:00PM Centennial Park - Field 6
New Lenox rebels-fishback - 15
[2] Cangelosi Sparks- Callaghan - 7
B8 - Sat 6/22 4:00PM Centennial Park - Field 7
Western Springs Crush Navy - 10
[4] MP Express - 3
B6 - Sat 6/22 2:00PM Centennial Park - Field 7
Schaumburg Flyers 10u - 7
[5] Schaumburg Flyers 10u - 15
B2 - Sat 6/22 10:00AM Centennial Park - Field 7
[12] LePretre 10U Warriors Red - 7
New Lenox rebels-fishback - 12
B10 - Sun 6/23 12:00PM Centennial Park - Field 7
Western Springs Crush Navy - 4
[6] Tinley Park Bulldogs Red 10U Bellik - 10
B3 - Sat 6/22 12:00PM Centennial Park - Field 6
[11] Cangelosi Sparks - Paszko - 20
[8] Evergreen Park Ghosts - 10
B1 - Sat 6/22 10:00AM Centennial Park - Field 6
[9] Oak Lawn Lightning - 4
[1] Orland Park Warriors 10U Black - 19
B5 - Sat 6/22 2:00PM Centennial Park - Field 6
Evergreen Park Ghosts - 8
[7] Western Springs Crush Navy - 8
B4 - Sat 6/22 12:00PM Centennial Park - Field 7
[10] Lemont Lightning Gold - 0
Orland Park Warriors 10U Black - 6
B9 - Sun 6/23 10:00AM Centennial Park - Field 7
Schaumburg Flyers 10u - 2