
Tournament Note

Championship Weekend

Please sign cards provided by Umpires at end of each game. Ensure the pitch count is correct on card and matched to Pitch Count Sheet with the official scorekeeper.

Umpire Fees per team:
8U - $25
9U - 12U - $50
13U - 15U - $60

Please report scores here:


Rookies 8U A

West Florida AB Fall 2022

Sep 18 - Dec 4, 2022
SportsEngine Tourney

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Lutz 8U Santo

Rookies 8U A Champion

Sun Sep 18, 2022 - Sun Dec 4, 2022


Lutz 8U Santo (8U A)
8U A Champion
[1] Lutz 8U Santo (8U A) - 11
B4 - Sun 12/4 11:00AM Fishhawk - Field 1
Aurbundale 8U A (8U A) - 3
[4] Aurbundale 8U A (8U A) - 8
B11 - Sun 12/4 9:00AM Fishhawk - Field 1
[5] Bloomingdale 8U (8U A) - 3
Lutz 8U Santo (8U A) - 11
B9 - Sun 12/4 3:00PM Fishhawk - Field 2
Wesley Chapel 8U A (8U A) - 10
Fossil Park 8U A (8U A) - 10
B10 - Sun 12/4 1:00PM Fishhawk - Field 2
Wesley Chapel 8U A (8U A) - 13
[2] Seminole 8U (8U A) - 7
B12 - Sun 12/4 9:00AM Fishhawk - Field 2
[7] Fossil Park 8U A (8U A) - 8
[3] Wesley Chapel 8U A (8U A) - 10
B13 - Sun 12/4 11:00AM Fishhawk - Field 2
[6] Lutz 8U Hill - 3