
3rd Grade


Oct 27 - Nov 12, 2020
Logan, UT
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Pool 2
Team W L
Riverhawks 4 0 82 161 79
Titans 2 2 12 104 92
Black Panthers 1 3 -53 82 135
Winner G2 0 0 0 0 0
Loser G1 0 0 0 0 0
Loser G2 0 0 0 0 0
Team W L
Panthers Silver 3 1 38 132 94
The Force 2 2 25 125 100
Lightning 2 2 14 121 107
Winner G1 0 0 0 0 0
Bulldogs 0 4 -118 55 173


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Thursday, October 29, 2020
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P2 5:30 PM Logan High School - Crimson 1 Bulldogs
19 38 Lightning
P3 5:30 PM Logan High School - Leisure Arts Titans
34 28 Black Panthers
P9 6:30 PM Logan High School - Crimson 1 Bulldogs
13 41 Panthers Silver
P12 6:30 PM Logan High School - Leisure Arts Titans
18 28 Riverhawks
P1 7:45 PM Logan High School - Crimson 1 The Force
21 29 Panthers Silver
P14 7:45 PM Logan High School - Leisure Arts Riverhawks
49 24 Black Panthers
P7 8:45 PM Logan High School - Crimson 1 Lightning
23 32 The Force
Monday, November 02, 2020
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P5 5:30 PM Logan High School - Leisure Arts Panthers Silver
34 40 Lightning
P11 5:30 PM Logan High School - Crimson 1 The Force
48 10 Bulldogs
P4 6:30 PM Logan High School - Crimson 1 Riverhawks
38 24 The Force
P16 6:30 PM Logan High School - Leisure Arts Titans
20 28 Panthers Silver
P6 7:30 PM Logan High School - Crimson 1 Bulldogs
13 46 Riverhawks
P13 7:30 PM Logan High School - Leisure Arts Black Panthers
22 20 Lightning
P15 8:30 PM Logan High School - Leisure Arts Titans
32 8 Black Panthers
Monday, November 09, 2020
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 5:00 PM Logan High School - Crimson 1 Panthers Silver
The Force
P3 5:00 PM Logan High School - Leisure Arts Lightning
Black Panthers
P2 6:00 PM Logan High School - Crimson 1 Riverhawks
P4 6:00 PM Logan High School - Leisure Arts Lightning
P5 7:00 PM Logan High School - Leisure Arts Black Panthers
P17 7:00 PM Logan High School - Crimson 1 Winner G1
Winner G2
P18 8:00 PM Logan High School - Crimson 1 Loser G1
Loser G2


No Bracket Games for this Division

Championship Game
Consolation Game
Consolation Game
Championship Game
Bracket Winner B1
3rd Place
Bracket Winner B2
Bracket Winner B2
Bracket Winner B1
3rd Place