
7th Grade


Oct 27 - Nov 12, 2020
Logan, UT
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Pool 1
Team W L
Warriors 2 4 0 45 135 90
Stangs 3 1 51 170 119
Bear River 2 2 41 153 112
Bees 1 2 2 38 168 130
Blazers 2 2 -24 113 137
Wolves 0 4 -65 70 135
Cache Valley Elite Blue 0 4 -125 75 200
Pool 2
Team W L
The Heat 2 0 43 113 70
Rockies 3 1 -7 150 157
Bees 2 2 2 -22 160 182
Cache Valley Elite Black 2 2 1 187 186
Blizzard 1 2 -9 90 99
Warriors 1 1 2 33 136 103


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Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P2 4:30 PM Logan High School - Crimson Gym Cache Valley Elite Blue
17 52 Stangs
P10 5:30 PM Logan High School - Crimson Gym Stangs
41 13 Blazers
P11 5:30 PM Logan High School - Main Gym Warriors 1
27 30 Blizzard
P50 5:30 PM Logan High School - Leisure Arts Cache Valley Elite Black
29 43 Rockies
P5 6:30 PM Logan High School - Main Gym Bees 2
52 49 Cache Valley Elite Black
P9 6:30 PM Logan High School - Leisure Arts Bees 1
46 18 Wolves
P23 6:30 PM Logan High School - Crimson Gym Cache Valley Elite Blue
20 36 Blazers
P1 7:45 PM Logan High School - Crimson Gym Warriors 2
29 24 Bees 1
P22 7:45 PM Logan High School - Leisure Arts Bear River
40 19 Wolves
P26 7:45 PM Logan High School - Main Gym Bees 2
39 46 Rockies
P8 8:45 PM Logan High School - Crimson Gym Bear River
21 28 Warriors 2
Tuesday, November 03, 2020
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P3 4:30 PM Logan High School - Main Gym Wolves
15 19 Blazers
P41 4:30 PM Logan High School - Crimson Gym Bees 2
36 34 Blizzard
P52 4:30 PM Logan High School - Leisure Arts Bees 1
37 60 The Heat
P16 5:30 PM Logan High School - Leisure Arts Wolves
18 30 Warriors 2
P31 5:30 PM Logan High School - Main Gym Bees 1
61 23 Cache Valley Elite Blue
P34 5:30 PM Logan High School - Crimson Gym The Heat
53 33 Bees 2
P15 6:30 PM Logan High School - Main Gym Cache Valley Elite Blue
15 51 Bear River
P47 6:30 PM Logan High School - Crimson Gym Blizzard
26 36 Rockies
P51 6:30 PM Logan High School - Leisure Arts Blazers
45 61 Cache Valley Elite Black
P32 7:30 PM Logan High School - Crimson Gym Rockies
25 63 Warriors 1
P36 7:30 PM Logan High School - Main Gym Bear River
41 50 Stangs
P24 8:30 PM Logan High School - Main Gym Warriors 2
48 27 Stangs
P39 8:30 PM Logan High School - Crimson Gym Warriors 1
46 48 Cache Valley Elite Black
Monday, November 09, 2020
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P4 6:30 PM Logan High School - Rubber Gym Blizzard
The Heat
P46 7:30 PM Logan High School - Rubber Gym The Heat
Warriors 1


No Bracket Games for this Division