
Men's D

One Nation Myrtle Beach Oct 9/10/11

Oct 9 - 11, 2020
Myrtle Beach, SC
SportsEngine Tourney

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Friday, October 09, 2020
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B1 1:00 PM Grand Park - F#1 Green Rhino Builders PA
21 6 Mayh3m / Wings & Rings OH
B2 1:00 PM Grand Park - F#2 All American Hitmen MI
17 12 Blacklisted/TruePoint NY
B3 1:00 PM Grand Park - Field2 Turn Key Electric NC
18 7 BDE PA
B4 1:00 PM Grand Park - F#4 Dawgs/eShore NJ
12 2 Tiger Fitness OH
B5 1:00 PM Grand Park - F#5 Sprout It Out Loud PA
16 19 Team AFN MD
B6 1:00 PM Grand Park - F#6 TCE NC
13 10 E's Irish Pub/Rake Baseball PA
B7 1:00 PM Grand Park - Field3 BB4L NC
18 15 Ann's Dari Creme/Red-Eye Apparel MD
B8 2:15 PM Grand Park - F#1 LP /Pure Sports NorthEast MA
18 19 Twisted Oaks WV
B9 2:15 PM Grand Park - F#2 Kramer Konstruction PA
10 20 Appalachian Seeds WV
B12 2:15 PM Grand Park - F#5 Baltimore Bullets MD
9 13 East Coast Connection NY
B13 2:15 PM Grand Park - F#6 TC/ Brotherhood MI
23 13 Hungry Hippos NY
B14 2:15 PM Grand Park - Field3 Central State OH
11 5 CAR/Creative AutoSports MI
B15 3:30 PM Grand Park - F#2 Leftovers PA
5 15 IHT/Hendrix Business Systems NC
B16 3:30 PM Grand Park - F#1 Infamous/Franjo PA
9 16 Green Rhino Builders PA
B17 3:30 PM Grand Park - Field2 Wolfpack/Corrigan Oil/Brotherhood MI
1 12 MooM's Nature Boys OH
B18 3:30 PM Grand Park - F#4 Xtreme Reflections/Brotherhood OH
14 7 All American Hitmen MI
B19 3:30 PM Grand Park - F#5 Turn Key Electric NC
12 14 Winesburg OH
B20 3:30 PM Grand Park - F#6 Dirty Deedz / BrotherHood MI
12 18 Dawgs/eShore NJ
B21 3:30 PM Grand Park - Field3 Team AFN MD
12 11 Dussault/Yabo OH
B22 4:45 PM Grand Park - F#1 Red-Eye Apparel MD
1 11 TCE NC
B23 4:45 PM Grand Park - F#2 BB4L NC
17 19 Sting MI
B24 4:45 PM Grand Park - Field2 Moxie NY
15 2 Twisted Oaks WV
B25 4:45 PM Grand Park - F#4 Appalachian Seeds WV
17 14 DBacks/Palettes OH
B26 4:45 PM Grand Park - F#5 Warpath MD
3 19 Muddawgs OH
B27 4:45 PM Grand Park - F#6 2nd Amendment/Duffy's Farm NY
17 19 TWolves OH
B28 4:45 PM Grand Park - Field3 HWY 55/RLC Collier NC
21 9 East Coast Connection NY
B29 6:00 PM Grand Park - Field3 TC/ Brotherhood MI
8 18 Stark Stars OH
B30 6:00 PM Grand Park - F#5 PSP OH
14 19 Central State OH
B31 6:00 PM Grand Park - F#4 IHT/Hendrix Business Systems NC
20 4 The Pals NJ
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B32 8:00 AM Grand Park - F#1 Tiger Fitness OH
11 16 Infamous/Franjo PA
B33 8:00 AM Grand Park - F#2 Sprout It Out Loud PA
16 20 Wolfpack/Corrigan Oil/Brotherhood MI
B34 8:00 AM Grand Park - Field2 E's Irish Pub/Rake Baseball PA
7 9 All American Hitmen MI
B35 8:00 AM Grand Park - F#4 Ann's Dari Creme/Red-Eye Apparel MD
2 12 Turn Key Electric NC
B36 8:00 AM Grand Park - F#5 Dirty Deedz / BrotherHood MI
15 0 Mayh3m / Wings & Rings OH
B37 8:00 AM Grand Park - F#6 Red-Eye Apparel MD
20 18 Blacklisted/TruePoint NY
B38 8:00 AM Grand Park - Field3 BB4L NC
20 0 BDE PA
B39 9:15 AM Grand Park - F#4 Baltimore Bullets MD
11 10 Twisted Oaks WV
B40 9:15 AM Grand Park - F#5 Hungry Hippos NY
7 9 DBacks/Palettes OH
B41 9:15 AM Grand Park - F#6 CAR/Creative AutoSports MI
14 2 Warpath MD
B42 9:15 AM Grand Park - Field3 Leftovers PA
10 9 2nd Amendment/Duffy's Farm NY
B43 10:30 AM Grand Park - F#4 East Coast Connection NY
3 11 LP /Pure Sports NorthEast MA
B44 10:30 AM Grand Park - F#5 TC/ Brotherhood MI
8 6 Kramer Konstruction PA
B47 11:45 AM Grand Park - F#4 Green Rhino Builders PA
1 11 MooM's Nature Boys OH
B48 11:45 AM Grand Park - F#5 Xtreme Reflections/Brotherhood OH
13 17 Winesburg OH
B49 11:45 AM Grand Park - F#6 Dawgs/eShore NJ
16 17 Team AFN MD
B50 11:45 AM Grand Park - Field3 TCE NC
12 14 Sting MI
B51 1:00 PM Grand Park - F#4 Moxie NY
13 6 Appalachian Seeds WV
B52 1:00 PM Grand Park - F#5 Muddawgs OH
18 3 TWolves OH
B53 1:00 PM Grand Park - F#6 HWY 55/RLC Collier NC
4 16 Stark Stars OH
B54 1:00 PM Grand Park - Field3 Central State OH
11 6 IHT/Hendrix Business Systems NC
B55 2:15 PM Grand Park - F#4 Infamous/Franjo PA
8 14 Wolfpack/Corrigan Oil/Brotherhood MI
B56 2:15 PM Grand Park - F#5 All American Hitmen MI
3 14 Turn Key Electric NC
B57 2:15 PM Grand Park - F#6 Dirty Deedz / BrotherHood MI
15 9 Dussault/Yabo OH
B58 2:15 PM Grand Park - Field3 Red-Eye Apparel MD
6 13 BB4L NC
B71 2:15 PM Grand Park - Field2 MooM's Nature Boys OH
9 11 Winesburg OH
B59 3:30 PM Grand Park - F#4 Baltimore Bullets MD
0 19 DBacks/Palettes OH
B60 3:30 PM Grand Park - F#5 CAR/Creative AutoSports MI
23 8 Leftovers PA
B61 3:30 PM Grand Park - F#6 LP /Pure Sports NorthEast MA
2 15 TC/ Brotherhood MI
B62 3:30 PM Grand Park - Field3 PSP OH
24 16 The Pals NJ
B72 3:30 PM Grand Park - Field2 Team AFN MD
8 23 Sting MI
B63 4:45 PM Grand Park - F#4 Wolfpack/Corrigan Oil/Brotherhood MI
6 9 Appalachian Seeds WV
B64 4:45 PM Grand Park - F#5 Turn Key Electric NC
11 12 TWolves OH
B65 4:45 PM Grand Park - F#6 HWY 55/RLC Collier NC
7 10 Dirty Deedz / BrotherHood MI
B66 4:45 PM Grand Park - Field3 IHT/Hendrix Business Systems NC
20 8 BB4L NC
B73 4:45 PM Grand Park - Field2 Moxie NY
15 12 Muddawgs OH
B67 6:00 PM Grand Park - F#4 DBacks/Palettes OH
11 8 Green Rhino Builders PA
B68 6:00 PM Grand Park - F#5 CAR/Creative AutoSports MI
13 3 Xtreme Reflections/Brotherhood OH
B69 6:00 PM Grand Park - F#6 Dawgs/eShore NJ
23 11 TC/ Brotherhood MI
B70 6:00 PM Grand Park - Field3 TCE NC
21 11 PSP OH
B74 6:00 PM Grand Park - Field2 Stark Stars OH
6 4 Central State OH
B75 7:15 PM Grand Park - F#4 Appalachian Seeds WV
3 20 TWolves OH
B76 7:15 PM Grand Park - F#5 Dirty Deedz / BrotherHood MI
11 14 IHT/Hendrix Business Systems NC
B77 7:15 PM Grand Park - F#6 DBacks/Palettes OH
19 3 CAR/Creative AutoSports MI
B78 7:15 PM Grand Park - Field3 Dawgs/eShore NJ
20 28 TCE NC
B79 8:30 PM Grand Park - F#4 TWolves OH
6 17 MooM's Nature Boys OH
B80 8:30 PM Grand Park - F#5 IHT/Hendrix Business Systems NC
4 14 Team AFN MD
B81 8:30 PM Grand Park - F#6 Muddawgs OH
3 17 DBacks/Palettes OH
B82 8:30 PM Grand Park - Field3 TCE NC
16 14 Central State OH
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B83 9:00 AM Grand Park - F#1 MooM's Nature Boys OH
14 28 Team AFN MD
B84 9:00 AM Grand Park - Field2 DBacks/Palettes OH
8 17 TCE NC
B85 9:00 AM Grand Park - F#4 Winesburg OH
12 19 Sting MI
B86 9:00 AM Grand Park - Field3 Moxie NY
7 17 Stark Stars OH
B87 10:15 AM Grand Park - Field3 Moxie NY
13 16 Team AFN MD
B88 10:15 AM Grand Park - F#4 TCE NC
19 9 Winesburg OH
B89 11:30 AM Grand Park - Field3 Sting MI
16 10 Stark Stars OH
B90 11:30 AM Grand Park - F#4 Team AFN MD
11 21 TCE NC
B91 12:45 PM Grand Park - Field3 Stark Stars OH
10 16 TCE NC
B92 2:00 PM Grand Park - Field3 Sting MI
16 10 TCE NC
B93 3:15 PM Grand Park - Field3 Sting MI
1 0 TCE NC


Loser's Bracket
Winner's Bracket
If Necessary
Kramer Konstruction PA - 10
B9 - Fri 10/9 2:15PM Grand Park - F#2
Appalachian Seeds WV - 20
Sprout It Out Loud PA - 16
B33 - Sat 10/10 8:00AM Grand Park - F#2
Wolfpack/Corrigan Oil/Brotherhood MI - 20
All American Hitmen MI - 17
B2 - Fri 10/9 1:00PM Grand Park - F#2
Blacklisted/TruePoint NY - 12
BB4L NC - 17
B23 - Fri 10/9 4:45PM Grand Park - F#2
Sting MI - 19
Leftovers PA - 5
B15 - Fri 10/9 3:30PM Grand Park - F#2
IHT/Hendrix Business Systems NC - 15
Green Rhino Builders PA - 1
B47 - Sat 10/10 11:45AM Grand Park - F#4
MooM's Nature Boys OH - 11
Xtreme Reflections/Brotherhood OH - 14
B18 - Fri 10/9 3:30PM Grand Park - F#4
All American Hitmen MI - 7
Baltimore Bullets MD - 0
B59 - Sat 10/10 3:30PM Grand Park - F#4
DBacks/Palettes OH - 19
Appalachian Seeds WV - 17
B25 - Fri 10/9 4:45PM Grand Park - F#4
DBacks/Palettes OH - 14
Moxie NY - 13
B51 - Sat 10/10 1:00PM Grand Park - F#4
Appalachian Seeds WV - 6
IHT/Hendrix Business Systems NC - 20
B31 - Fri 10/9 6:00PM Grand Park - F#4
The Pals NJ - 4
TCE NC - 19
B88 - Sun 10/11 10:15AM Grand Park - F#4
Winesburg OH - 9
Infamous/Franjo PA - 8
B55 - Sat 10/10 2:15PM Grand Park - F#4
Wolfpack/Corrigan Oil/Brotherhood MI - 14
DBacks/Palettes OH - 11
B67 - Sat 10/10 6:00PM Grand Park - F#4
Green Rhino Builders PA - 8
Appalachian Seeds WV - 3
B75 - Sat 10/10 7:15PM Grand Park - F#4
TWolves OH - 20
TWolves OH - 6
B79 - Sat 10/10 8:30PM Grand Park - F#4
MooM's Nature Boys OH - 17
Wolfpack/Corrigan Oil/Brotherhood MI - 6
B63 - Sat 10/10 4:45PM Grand Park - F#4
Appalachian Seeds WV - 9
Ann's Dari Creme/Red-Eye Apparel MD - 2
B35 - Sat 10/10 8:00AM Grand Park - F#4
Turn Key Electric NC - 12
East Coast Connection NY - 3
B43 - Sat 10/10 10:30AM Grand Park - F#4
LP /Pure Sports NorthEast MA - 11
Dawgs/eShore NJ - 12
B4 - Fri 10/9 1:00PM Grand Park - F#4
Tiger Fitness OH - 2
Baltimore Bullets MD - 11
B39 - Sat 10/10 9:15AM Grand Park - F#4
Twisted Oaks WV - 10
Winesburg OH - 12
B85 - Sun 10/11 9:00AM Grand Park - F#4
Sting MI - 19
Team AFN MD - 11
B90 - Sun 10/11 11:30AM Grand Park - F#4
TCE NC - 21
Wolfpack/Corrigan Oil/Brotherhood MI - 1
B17 - Fri 10/9 3:30PM Grand Park - Field2
MooM's Nature Boys OH - 12
Turn Key Electric NC - 18
B3 - Fri 10/9 1:00PM Grand Park - Field2
BDE PA - 7
MooM's Nature Boys OH - 9
B71 - Sat 10/10 2:15PM Grand Park - Field2
Winesburg OH - 11
Moxie NY - 15
B24 - Fri 10/9 4:45PM Grand Park - Field2
Twisted Oaks WV - 2
Moxie NY - 15
B73 - Sat 10/10 4:45PM Grand Park - Field2
Muddawgs OH - 12
Stark Stars OH - 6
B74 - Sat 10/10 6:00PM Grand Park - Field2
Central State OH - 4
Team AFN MD - 8
B72 - Sat 10/10 3:30PM Grand Park - Field2
Sting MI - 23
E's Irish Pub/Rake Baseball PA - 7
B34 - Sat 10/10 8:00AM Grand Park - Field2
All American Hitmen MI - 9
DBacks/Palettes OH - 8
B84 - Sun 10/11 9:00AM Grand Park - Field2
TCE NC - 17
Infamous/Franjo PA - 9
B16 - Fri 10/9 3:30PM Grand Park - F#1
Green Rhino Builders PA - 16
Green Rhino Builders PA - 21
B1 - Fri 10/9 1:00PM Grand Park - F#1
Mayh3m / Wings & Rings OH - 6
Red-Eye Apparel MD - 1
B22 - Fri 10/9 4:45PM Grand Park - F#1
TCE NC - 11
MooM's Nature Boys OH - 14
B83 - Sun 10/11 9:00AM Grand Park - F#1
Team AFN MD - 28
LP /Pure Sports NorthEast MA - 18
B8 - Fri 10/9 2:15PM Grand Park - F#1
Twisted Oaks WV - 19
Tiger Fitness OH - 11
B32 - Sat 10/10 8:00AM Grand Park - F#1
Infamous/Franjo PA - 16
Moxie NY - 7
B86 - Sun 10/11 9:00AM Grand Park - Field3
Stark Stars OH - 17
Sting MI - 16
B89 - Sun 10/11 11:30AM Grand Park - Field3
Stark Stars OH - 10
BB4L NC - 18
B7 - Fri 10/9 1:00PM Grand Park - Field3
Ann's Dari Creme/Red-Eye Apparel MD - 15
Central State OH - 11
B54 - Sat 10/10 1:00PM Grand Park - Field3
IHT/Hendrix Business Systems NC - 6
TC/ Brotherhood MI - 8
B29 - Fri 10/9 6:00PM Grand Park - Field3
Stark Stars OH - 18
HWY 55/RLC Collier NC - 21
B28 - Fri 10/9 4:45PM Grand Park - Field3
East Coast Connection NY - 9
TCE NC - 21
B70 - Sat 10/10 6:00PM Grand Park - Field3
PSP OH - 11
TCE NC - 12
B50 - Sat 10/10 11:45AM Grand Park - Field3
Sting MI - 14
Team AFN MD - 12
B21 - Fri 10/9 3:30PM Grand Park - Field3
Dussault/Yabo OH - 11
Leftovers PA - 10
B42 - Sat 10/10 9:15AM Grand Park - Field3
2nd Amendment/Duffy's Farm NY - 9
PSP OH - 24
B62 - Sat 10/10 3:30PM Grand Park - Field3
The Pals NJ - 16
Dawgs/eShore NJ - 20
B78 - Sat 10/10 7:15PM Grand Park - Field3
TCE NC - 28
TCE NC - 16
B82 - Sat 10/10 8:30PM Grand Park - Field3
Central State OH - 14
BB4L NC - 20
B38 - Sat 10/10 8:00AM Grand Park - Field3
BDE PA - 0
Moxie NY - 13
B87 - Sun 10/11 10:15AM Grand Park - Field3
Team AFN MD - 16
IHT/Hendrix Business Systems NC - 20
B66 - Sat 10/10 4:45PM Grand Park - Field3
BB4L NC - 8
Red-Eye Apparel MD - 6
B58 - Sat 10/10 2:15PM Grand Park - Field3
BB4L NC - 13
Central State OH - 11
B14 - Fri 10/9 2:15PM Grand Park - Field3
CAR/Creative AutoSports MI - 5
Stark Stars OH - 10
B91 - Sun 10/11 12:45PM Grand Park - Field3
TCE NC - 16
Sting MI - 16
B92 - Sun 10/11 2:00PM Grand Park - Field3
TCE NC - 10
Sting MI - 1
B93 - Sun 10/11 3:15PM Grand Park - Field3
TCE NC - 0
CAR/Creative AutoSports MI - 23
B60 - Sat 10/10 3:30PM Grand Park - F#5
Leftovers PA - 8
Xtreme Reflections/Brotherhood OH - 13
B48 - Sat 10/10 11:45AM Grand Park - F#5
Winesburg OH - 17
Turn Key Electric NC - 12
B19 - Fri 10/9 3:30PM Grand Park - F#5
Winesburg OH - 14
Muddawgs OH - 18
B52 - Sat 10/10 1:00PM Grand Park - F#5
TWolves OH - 3
Warpath MD - 3
B26 - Fri 10/9 4:45PM Grand Park - F#5
Muddawgs OH - 19
PSP OH - 14
B30 - Fri 10/9 6:00PM Grand Park - F#5
Central State OH - 19
CAR/Creative AutoSports MI - 13
B68 - Sat 10/10 6:00PM Grand Park - F#5
Xtreme Reflections/Brotherhood OH - 3
Sprout It Out Loud PA - 16
B5 - Fri 10/9 1:00PM Grand Park - F#5
Team AFN MD - 19
TC/ Brotherhood MI - 8
B44 - Sat 10/10 10:30AM Grand Park - F#5
Kramer Konstruction PA - 6
Hungry Hippos NY - 7
B40 - Sat 10/10 9:15AM Grand Park - F#5
DBacks/Palettes OH - 9
Turn Key Electric NC - 11
B64 - Sat 10/10 4:45PM Grand Park - F#5
TWolves OH - 12
IHT/Hendrix Business Systems NC - 4
B80 - Sat 10/10 8:30PM Grand Park - F#5
Team AFN MD - 14
Dirty Deedz / BrotherHood MI - 11
B76 - Sat 10/10 7:15PM Grand Park - F#5
IHT/Hendrix Business Systems NC - 14
All American Hitmen MI - 3
B56 - Sat 10/10 2:15PM Grand Park - F#5
Turn Key Electric NC - 14
Baltimore Bullets MD - 9
B12 - Fri 10/9 2:15PM Grand Park - F#5
East Coast Connection NY - 13
Dirty Deedz / BrotherHood MI - 15
B36 - Sat 10/10 8:00AM Grand Park - F#5
Mayh3m / Wings & Rings OH - 0
TC/ Brotherhood MI - 23
B13 - Fri 10/9 2:15PM Grand Park - F#6
Hungry Hippos NY - 13
2nd Amendment/Duffy's Farm NY - 17
B27 - Fri 10/9 4:45PM Grand Park - F#6
TWolves OH - 19
HWY 55/RLC Collier NC - 4
B53 - Sat 10/10 1:00PM Grand Park - F#6
Stark Stars OH - 16
DBacks/Palettes OH - 19
B77 - Sat 10/10 7:15PM Grand Park - F#6
CAR/Creative AutoSports MI - 3
Dirty Deedz / BrotherHood MI - 12
B20 - Fri 10/9 3:30PM Grand Park - F#6
Dawgs/eShore NJ - 18
Dawgs/eShore NJ - 23
B69 - Sat 10/10 6:00PM Grand Park - F#6
TC/ Brotherhood MI - 11
TCE NC - 13
B6 - Fri 10/9 1:00PM Grand Park - F#6
E's Irish Pub/Rake Baseball PA - 10
Dawgs/eShore NJ - 16
B49 - Sat 10/10 11:45AM Grand Park - F#6
Team AFN MD - 17
CAR/Creative AutoSports MI - 14
B41 - Sat 10/10 9:15AM Grand Park - F#6
Warpath MD - 2
Muddawgs OH - 3
B81 - Sat 10/10 8:30PM Grand Park - F#6
DBacks/Palettes OH - 17
LP /Pure Sports NorthEast MA - 2
B61 - Sat 10/10 3:30PM Grand Park - F#6
TC/ Brotherhood MI - 15
Red-Eye Apparel MD - 20
B37 - Sat 10/10 8:00AM Grand Park - F#6
Blacklisted/TruePoint NY - 18
HWY 55/RLC Collier NC - 7
B65 - Sat 10/10 4:45PM Grand Park - F#6
Dirty Deedz / BrotherHood MI - 10
Dirty Deedz / BrotherHood MI - 15
B57 - Sat 10/10 2:15PM Grand Park - F#6
Dussault/Yabo OH - 9