
Tournament Note

9:30pm May 25
In the 14 D1 All games that were scheduled at Summit High School Varsity baseball field have been moved to Big Sky Field 2 - For Saturday only.
Domingo Ayala schedule (subject to how many kids mob him)

2:00 - 2:30 Skyline
2:45 - 3:15 Summit HS
3:30 - 4:00 Pine Nursery
4:15 - 4:35 Bend Elks

Sunday in Redmond
10:00 - 10:30 Redmond HS
10:45 - 11:15 Bowlby
11:30 - 11:50 American Legion
12:00 - 12:30 Umatilla

Each team receives 1 free hour of cage time (1 cage) included in their entry fee at the Bend Elks Field House. Its $20 per hour per cage after the first free hour. You must schedule this in advance. Call 541-312-9259 or email to reserve your spot. Address: 401 SE Roosevelt Ave; Bend, Oregon 97702

Seeding Rules
1. Win/Loss Record
2. Head to Head (if only two teams have the same record-very unlikely. You may be 1-1 and have beaten another 1-1 team, but there will most likely be at least another 1-1 team so we skip head to head)
3. Runs Allowed
4. Run Differentaial
5. Runs Scored
6. Coin Flip

Please make sure you follow our pitching rules.
Pitching Rules (Innings per Tournament):

9's = 6 10's = 6 11's = 6 12's = 6 13's = 7 14's = 7, 15/16's = 8

*Scorecards must be signed by both team managers to eliminate inning validation
problems. (Managers, please help with this process.)
*One additional inning per pitcher for every game played after four played games.
*No limit on the number of appearances.
*One pitch will be considered an inning pitched (includes warm-ups)

14U D1

Bend Elks Memorial Day Tournament

May 26 - 28, 2018
Bend, OR • Redmond, OR
SportsEngine Tourney

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Final Standings

Rank Team W L T
1 Spokane Expos (Spokane, WA) 3 1 0 6 20 14
2 Jr Cougars (Bend, OR) 3 1 0 9 26 17
3 City Baseball- Navy (Seattle, WA) 3 1 0 8 30 22
3 River Bandits (Moses Lake, WA) 2 1 1 6 26 16
5 New Level Xtreme (Olympia, WA) 2 1 1 -3 20 23
6 Bat Company (West Linn, OR) 2 1 1 9 38 24
7 Showtime South (Vancouver, WA) 1 3 0 -3 24 24
8 Dragons Elite Blue (Duvall, WA) 1 3 0 -9 15 27
9 Field of Champions Bears 14U Blue 2018 (Preston, WA) 1 3 0 -12 13 30
10 Central Oregon Crush 14U (Bend, OR) 0 3 1 -11 10 25

Pool Standings

Team W L T
Spokane Expos (Spokane, WA) 3 1 0 6 20 14
Jr Cougars (Bend, OR) 3 1 0 9 26 17
City Baseball- Navy (Seattle, WA) 3 1 0 8 30 22
River Bandits (Moses Lake, WA) 2 1 1 6 26 16
New Level Xtreme (Olympia, WA) 2 1 1 -3 20 23
Bat Company (West Linn, OR) 2 1 1 9 38 24
Showtime South (Vancouver, WA) 1 3 0 -3 24 24
Dragons Elite Blue (Duvall, WA) 1 3 0 -9 15 27
Field of Champions Bears 14U Blue 2018 (Preston, WA) 1 3 0 -12 13 30
Central Oregon Crush 14U (Bend, OR) 0 3 1 -11 10 25


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Saturday, May 26, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 8:00 AM Big Sky Complex Showtime South
5 10 City Baseball- Navy
P5 8:00 AM Summit High School - Baseball JV Jr Cougars
7 5 Dragons Elite Blue
P6 10:15 AM Summit High School - Baseball JV Jr Cougars
5 1 River Bandits
P2 11:00 AM Big Sky Complex Showtime South
13 3 Dragons Elite Blue
P9 12:30 PM Summit High School - Baseball JV Bat Company
9 9 River Bandits
P18 1:15 PM Big Sky Complex Central Oregon Crush 14U
2 3 City Baseball- Navy
P13 2:45 PM Summit High School - Baseball JV Spokane Expos
4 1 Field of Champions Bears 14U Blue 2018
P17 3:30 PM Big Sky Complex Central Oregon Crush 14U
4 4 New Level Xtreme
P14 5:45 PM Summit High School - Baseball JV Spokane Expos
4 5 New Level Xtreme
P10 6:00 PM Summit High School - Baseball Varsity Bat Company
14 2 Field of Champions Bears 14U Blue 2018
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P11 8:00 AM Summit High School - Baseball JV Bat Company
9 4 New Level Xtreme
P19 8:00 AM Summit High School - Baseball Varsity Central Oregon Crush 14U
4 7 Dragons Elite Blue
P12 10:15 AM Summit High School - Baseball JV Bat Company
6 9 City Baseball- Navy
P16 10:15 AM Summit High School - Baseball Varsity Spokane Expos
3 0 Dragons Elite Blue
P8 12:30 PM Summit High School - Baseball JV Jr Cougars
6 7 New Level Xtreme
P20 12:30 PM Summit High School - Baseball Varsity Central Oregon Crush 14U
0 11 River Bandits
P4 2:45 PM Summit High School - Baseball JV Showtime South
4 6 Field of Champions Bears 14U Blue 2018
P15 2:45 PM Summit High School - Baseball Varsity Spokane Expos
9 8 City Baseball- Navy
P3 5:00 PM Summit High School - Baseball JV Showtime South
2 5 River Bandits
P7 5:00 PM Summit High School - Baseball Varsity Jr Cougars
8 4 Field of Champions Bears 14U Blue 2018
Monday, May 28, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B2 8:00 AM Vince Genna Stadium City Baseball- Navy
6 7 Jr Cougars
B1 10:15 AM Vince Genna Stadium Spokane Expos
4 1 River Bandits
B3 12:30 PM Vince Genna Stadium Spokane Expos
13 3 Jr Cougars


Spokane Expos
Spokane Expos - 4
B1 - Mon 5/28 10:15AM Vince Genna Stadium
River Bandits - 1
City Baseball- Navy - 6
B2 - Mon 5/28 8:00AM Vince Genna Stadium
Jr Cougars - 7
Spokane Expos - 13
B3 - Mon 5/28 12:30PM Vince Genna Stadium
Jr Cougars - 3