

26th Annual Hoops Mania Basketball Tournament

Jan 21 - 22, 2017
Grand Island, Ne
SportsEngine Tourney

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Anchor Hoops Maroon

BOYS GRADE 4B Champion

Sat Jan 21, 2017 - Sun Jan 22, 2017

Pool Standings

Team W L
Anchor Hoops Maroon (Columbus, NE) 2 0 39 18
York Dukes (York, NE) 1 1 31 36
Twin River (Silver Creek, NE) 0 2 25 41
Team W L
Hastings Hawks -- Blue (Hastings, ne) 2 0 56 39
Kearney Bombers (Kearney, Ne) 1 1 34 36
Jr. Islanders (GRAND ISLAND, NE-Nebraska) 0 2 35 50


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Saturday, January 21, 2017
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 9:30 AM Grand Island Senior High - GISH EAST-1 Jr. Islanders
11 19 Kearney Bombers
P2 12:30 PM YMCA - YMCA-NORTH Kearney Bombers
15 25 Hastings Hawks -- Blue
P3 2:30 PM YMCA - YMCA-SOUTH York Dukes
8 21 Anchor Hoops Maroon
P4 3:30 PM YMCA - YMCA-SOUTH Hastings Hawks -- Blue
31 24 Jr. Islanders
P5 5:30 PM YMCA - YMCA-NORTH Twin River
15 23 York Dukes
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P6 12:30 PM YMCA - YMCA-NORTH Anchor Hoops Maroon
18 10 Twin River
B7 2:30 PM Grand Island Senior High - GISH WEST-2 Anchor Hoops Maroon
20 14 Hastings Hawks -- Blue
B8 2:30 PM YMCA - YMCA-NORTH York Dukes
14 34 Kearney Bombers
B9 2:30 PM YMCA - YMCA-SOUTH Twin River
19 28 Jr. Islanders


Kearney Bombers
3rd Place
Anchor Hoops Maroon
Jr. Islanders
5th Place
Anchor Hoops Maroon - 20
B7 - Sun 1/22 2:30PM Grand Island Senior High - GISH WEST-2
Hastings Hawks -- Blue - 14
York Dukes - 14
B8 - Sun 1/22 2:30PM YMCA - YMCA-NORTH
Kearney Bombers - 34
Twin River - 19
B9 - Sun 1/22 2:30PM YMCA - YMCA-SOUTH
Jr. Islanders - 28