
5th Grade Girls

Tom Dowd Memorial Basketball Tournament

Jun 6 - 8, 2014
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Pool A
Team W L
MW Crusaders 3 0 82 131
Rockland Royals 2 1 41 112
Playmaker Academy 1 2 -44 50
Goshen Gladiators 0 3 -79 19


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Saturday, June 07, 2014
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 10:00 AM Monroe Woodbury High School - Auxiliary Gym 2 Playmaker Academy
6 48 MW Crusaders
P2 10:00 AM Monroe Woodbury High School - Auxiliary Gym 1 Goshen Gladiators
8 34 Rockland Royals
P3 12:30 PM Monroe Woodbury High School - Auxiliary Gym 2 MW Crusaders
39 6 Goshen Gladiators
P4 4:15 PM Monroe Woodbury High School - Auxiliary Gym 2 Playmaker Academy
19 41 Rockland Royals
Sunday, June 08, 2014
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P6 8:45 AM Monroe Woodbury High School - Auxiliary Gym 2 Playmaker Academy
25 5 Goshen Gladiators
P5 10:00 AM Monroe Woodbury High School - Auxiliary Gym 1 Rockland Royals
37 44 MW Crusaders


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