
10th Grade

Tom Dowd Memorial Basketball Tournament

Jun 6 - 8, 2014
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Pool A
Team W L
NY Falcons I 3 0 73 181
Playmaker Academy North 2 1 6 147
Team Primo 1 2 -25 106
Upward Stars 0 3 -54 113
Pool B
Team W L
NY Falcons II 2 0 17 109
Newburgh Panthers 2 1 82 197
Hudson River Hornets 1 2 -24 143
Playmaker Academy South 0 2 -75 71


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Saturday, June 07, 2014
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P10 1:45 PM Monroe Woodbury Middle School NY Falcons I
48 20 Team Primo
P9 3:00 PM Tuxedo High School Upward Stars
31 58 Playmaker Academy North
P7 4:15 PM Monroe Woodbury Middle School NY Falcons II
54 52 Newburgh Panthers
P8 4:15 PM St. Patricks CYO Playmaker Academy South
46 67 Hudson River Hornets
P1 5:30 PM Monroe Woodbury Middle School NY Falcons I
74 52 Playmaker Academy North
P2 5:30 PM Tuxedo High School Team Primo
50 46 Upward Stars
P11 6:45 PM Monroe Woodbury Middle School Hudson River Hornets
40 55 NY Falcons II
P12 6:45 PM St. Patricks CYO Playmaker Academy South
25 79 Newburgh Panthers
Sunday, June 08, 2014
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P5 11:15 AM Monroe Woodbury Middle School Playmaker Academy North
37 36 Team Primo
P6 12:30 PM Monroe Woodbury Middle School NY Falcons I
59 36 Upward Stars
P4 1:45 PM Tuxedo High School Newburgh Panthers
66 36 Hudson River Hornets
P3 3:00 PM Monroe Woodbury Middle School Playmaker Academy South
NY Falcons II


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