

Collision in the Capital Presented by Zero Gravity Basketball

May 3 - 4, 2014
District Heights, MD • Washington, DC
SportsEngine Tourney

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Bracket Winner B1
Bracket Winner B4
Royal Knights
B1 - Sun 5/4 4:00PM Catholic University of America- Dufour Athletic Center - Catholic University of America Court 1
Team Pro Look - Willis
NOVA Cavaliers
B2 - Sun 5/4 3:00PM Catholic University of America- Dufour Athletic Center - Catholic University of America Court 1
301 Ballers
Maryland Thunder
B3 - Sun 5/4 3:00PM Catholic University of America- Dufour Athletic Center - Catholic University of America Court 2
Team Impact
Bracket Winner B2
B4 - Sun 5/4 5:00PM Catholic University of America- Dufour Athletic Center - Catholic University of America Court 2
Bracket Winner B3