
5th Grade

Collision in the Capital Presented by Zero Gravity Basketball

May 3 - 4, 2014
District Heights, MD • Washington, DC
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

American Gold
Team W L
Severn Elite 3 0 38 115 54
Maryland Kings Black 3 0 31 101 63
WDBA 2 1 39 90 45
Spotslvania Spiders 2 1 24 85 61
ATB* 1 2 -20 49 98
Liberty Road Ballers 0 3 -32 75 107
NOVA Suns 0 3 -60 0 60


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Saturday, May 03, 2014
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 9:00 AM Catholic University of America- Dufour Athletic Center - Catholic University of America Court 3 WDBA
20 0 NOVA Suns
P3 9:00 AM Catholic University of America- Dufour Athletic Center - Catholic University of America Court 4 ATB
15 58 Severn Elite
P4 11:00 AM Catholic University of America- Dufour Athletic Center - Catholic University of America Court 3 Maryland Kings Black
31 30 WDBA
P6 11:00 AM Catholic University of America- Dufour Athletic Center - Catholic University of America Court 4 Spotslvania Spiders
19 26 Severn Elite
P5 12:00 PM New 24 Fitness and Basketball - New 24 Court 9 NOVA Suns
0 20 ATB
P2 1:00 PM New 24 Fitness and Basketball - New 24 Court 9 Liberty Road Ballers
35 46 Spotslvania Spiders
P7 3:00 PM New 24 Fitness and Basketball - New 24 Court 9 Liberty Road Ballers
20 30 Maryland Kings Black
Sunday, May 04, 2014
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P8 11:00 AM Catholic University of America- Dufour Athletic Center - Catholic University of America Court 3 ATB
14 40 WDBA
P9 11:00 AM Catholic University of America- Dufour Athletic Center - Catholic University of America Court 4 Spotslvania Spiders
20 0 NOVA Suns
P10 2:00 PM Catholic University of America- Dufour Athletic Center - Catholic University of America Court 4 Liberty Road Ballers
20 31 Severn Elite
P11 2:00 PM Catholic University of America- Dufour Athletic Center - Catholic University of America Court 3 Maryland Kings Black
40 13 ATB*
B1 5:00 PM Catholic University of America- Dufour Athletic Center - Catholic University of America Court 4 Maryland Kings Black
Severn Elite